Cycling Instructors Association of Canada (CIAC) administers a program to provide excellence in the profession of bike teaching, for delivery of functional bicycling courses across Canada.

We are the designation-granting organization for non-specialized bicycling instructors in Canada. Our focus is training bicycle instructors to deliver consistent, standardized material to Canadians who want to ride a bike for transportation, recreation or who need to use a bike as part of their employment (example: mall security).

Courses Offered By CIAC Instructors

This is a full listing of all CIAC courses: it is not a representation of what courses an individual instructor will teach.

First Time

Learning how to ride a bike need not be a miserable experience or involve a loved one holding your seat and yelling at you to pedal: our instructors offer a tried-and-tested system to give you the best chance of success.

Non-road conditions only (paved rink, school yard, parking lot, etc).


Once you've mastered the basics of balancing and moving your bike, you open up a vast world of non-road multi-use pathways, available in virutally every municipality in Canada. This course will give you a "running" start to ensure you have the knowledge, confidence and skill to ride your bike on multi-use pathways.

Non-road conditions only: parking lot/paved rink or similar and multi-use pathways, gravel or dirt trails, possibly alleys/lanes.


An introductory course to basic bike handling skills and knowledge to start riding on very quiet residential roads. Typically offered for community groups or in schools, but not just for kids.

Non-road conditions plus an introduction to riding on Grade 1 roads. On-road instruction is very limited at this level.


The most valuable course available: pathways and other cycling infrastructure will never go from every home to every destination - learning how to ride on the road is essential if you're going to ride from your home. This course teaches participants the rules of the road for cyclists, essential skills and practices for riding on residential roads.

Non-road instruction for handling skills plus riding on road progression up to Grade 4 roads, with crossing of Grade 5+ roads. Bike-specific infrastructure is only suitable if it is on a Grade 4 or lower road.


We turn up the volume in this course: you will learn how to navigate busy commercial areas and downtown roads in order to use your bike for transportation and/or commuting without needing to rely on infrastructure.

Non-road instruction for handling skills; on-road instruction must cover up to Grade 6 roads and may include Grade 7 roads if available. All bike-specific infrastructure should be covered.


CIAC's Helmet Policy lays out our expectations for helmet use during courses.
CIAC Course Conductors and Certified Instructors are expected to follow the Code of Ethics.
CIAC Course Conductors and Certified Instructors are expected to follow the Code of Conduct.
CIAC has developed a system to "grade" roads based on their speed limit, volume of traffic and overall complexity. Grades can then be sorted to their appropriate level in order to give cyclists a complete understanding of what roads they have been trained to ride on and what roads to avoid when route planning.
©2025 Cycling Instructors Association of Canada. All Rights Reserved.
